Sunday, March 17, 2019

The Greatest Commandment Essay -- Bible, God

The sterling(prenominal) Commandment to love matinee idol is the first and greatest didactics of every. In researching this commandment I have found that to love God is rattling what God really wants from all of us. The commandment is referenced in all four of the gospels of the New Testament as well as being referenced in the old Testament through the decennium Commandments in which the New Testament was based on. This commandment is so flop it is found in Luke 1025-37, Mark 1228-34, John 1334-35 and Matthew 2234-40. It is in any case found in Deuteronomy 65 and also based on the Ten Commandments in Exodus 201-17. register for instance the gospel of Matthew in where the New Testament begins with the book of Matthew telling the fulfillment of the prophecies in rescuer Christ, the long-awaited Messiah. Matthew was a Jewish tax aggregator for the Roman government who was called upon by Jesus to become one of the 12 apostles which often in his gospel will collapse us an midpoint witness account. Matthew wrote the gospel while living in Antioch, Syria after sideline Jesus between the years of A.D. 50-70. Matthewss gospel provides an essential tie-in between the Old and New Testament. Matthew 2234-40 teaches us of the greatest commandment and what God wants from us foremost. In the scripture of Matthew 2234-40 where this commandment is told by Jesus to the religious leaders, the Sadducees and the Pharisees who were attacking him and challenging him with one of the Pharisees in finical who was a lawyer decided to test Jesus in hopes of awkward him by asking Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the law? (NIV, Matthew 2236) Knowing that this was a difficult question because of the Ten Commandments in the Old Testament in which all are from ... ...merciful, for they will be shown mildness and Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God (Holy Bible, Matthew 53-11). These scriptures say a lot to us reinstating what Ma tthew has written in how we should live our lives and follow the laws stated by Jesus in The superlative Commandment so that we can obtain our peace of heart and give our love, ourselves selflessly to God. For when Jesus answered this question, the religious leaders and the Pharisees knew that he had answered well. After this question was answered Jesus also asked and answered a question about his son send to God and from then on his answers showed his wisdom and those that questioned him never dared to ask Jesus any more questions. They knew that he was the son of the Lord. All knew and understood that these two Greatest Commandments were to be the law and the prophecies to live by.

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